Saturday, September 17, 2011


Have you ever felt like you were going to fall over and die of heat exhaustion? If not, I've found the place for you...Jericho. 'Twas a splendid field trip.  
Site of Herod's Winter Palace


standing on the remains of the palace

Thumbs up! on top of Tel Es Sultan. it was so exciting...

Me and Jaclyn

Jericho is the oldest city in the World!

I bought the yummiest dates here and ate them within ten minutes.

Liz, Shannon, Lacey, Aubrey, me and Catie

drinking fresh water from the spring...I hope it was fresh

standing in the spring! if felt sooo good...

more pictures of the Spring

The Monastery on the side of the cliff of Wadi Qilt

On top of the hills next to Wadi Qilt that lead to Jerusalem from Jericho. This is probably the way that Mary and Joseph traveled.

Wadi Qilt
I didn't ride the camel this time - too scary on top of a steep mountain.

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